Cohiba Maduro 5 Genios
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Cohiba Maduro 5
Habanos S.A., the world leader in premium cigars, presented its star launch for 2007: Maduro 5, the new Cuban maduro (dark wrapper) cigar line from Cohiba. Maduro 5 is a valuable addition to the internationally renowned Clásica and 1492 (Siglos) lines of Cohiba.
Maduro 5 embodies the best traditions of Cuban dark wrapper cigars, utilizing the upper leaves of the tobacco plant and undergoing a long, natural fermentation process to achieve its distinct range of dark colors and textures. The wrapper, aged for 5 years, imparts unique characteristics to the three available sizes: Genios (52 x 140 mm), Mágicos (52 x 115 mm), and Secretos (40 x 100 mm). These sizes are in line with the latest market trends.
The Maduro 5 line features a special Cohiba ring band with a lower black stripe indicating "Maduro 5." The wooden boxes are also darker in color compared to the Clásica and Los Siglos lines, further distinguishing the brand.